UNODA Short Course Introduction to Disarmament


About this course

This course covers the operations and achievements of the United Nations Disarmament Machinery—namely, the First Committee of the General Assembly, the Disarmament Commission and the Conference on Disarmament—as well as disarmament processes outside of the Disarmament Machinery conducted by the Security Council, the Office for Disarmament Affairs, the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization Preparatory Commission. The module defines disarmament and frames its importance within the three core pillars of the United Nations system: peace and security, human rights and sustainable development. It also outlines the major objectives of disarmament and the actions that are taken to pursue them.

UN Photo, hands holding amunition

What will participants learn

  • Why disarmament is important;
  • What are the instruments, measures and objectives for pursuing disarmament;
  • What role does the United Nations play in disarmament;
  • Where to find additional resources.


Diplomats, especially those new to disarmament matters; interested individuals from academia, think tanks, and non-governmental organizations; the media and the general public.



Components and Methodology:

  • On-line
  • Self-paced

The course is available in English and is held in the Disarmament Education Dashboard, thus participants need a computer or mobile device, with audio and reliable internet connection. No special software is required.


30 – 45 minutes.

Short-course Series

The UN Office for Disarmament Affairs Short Course Series aims at making available quality education material on disarmament, arms control, non-proliferation and issues cross-cutting with security, such as gender and development. The courses are targeted for and available to the general public at UNODA’S globally accessible e-Learning platform

In line with the UN Secretary-General’s Agenda for Disarmament this short-course series aims to contribute to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.